Google Pixel
Google Pixel & Android
I had the privilege to work on all the Pixel phones (through 2020) released by Google including the very first one! My work has spanned across all facets of the system and I’ve learned and grown with each release. I’ve worked on core system transitions (app switching, activity transitions, ect..), Google Assistant integrations, branded and delightful moments, Google Search integrations, core infrastructure updates, physics based motion and much more! And of course all of this work was done in collaboration with an amazing release team.
Google Pixel 4
The Google Pixel 4 was my busiest and most exciting release. The combination of a new gesture navigation and a redesigned Google Assistant made for a lot of enjoyable yet difficult work. Pairing the new physics based gesture animations with the 90hz screen of the Pixel 4 was a dream 😍
Gesture Navigation - Project Page
Pixel 3 - Welcome Animation
Pixel 2 - Welcome Animation